Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Dessert Sneak Peak

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but we're still all running around kind of crazy. Grandpa's birthday is tomorrow and I'm still prepping and cooking and baking and will be doing so all day tomorrow as well. I thought I'd post a dessert teaser from last night until I get the chance to really write about the whole day and the cooking etc.

I was in charge of appetizers and desserts again this year and from left to right I made mini Dutch apple pies, mini pumpkin pies, chocolate pots de creme and mini pecan pies. The drink was eggnog and amaretto with coffee ice cubes. Yummy! Mini desserts keep better than whole pies with pieces taken out of them. This also enables people to have one of everything as the portions are smaller controlled. When you slice pie there's a tendency to slice a big piece and this way everything is muffin sized.

When I get the chance to actually write about Thanksgiving, I'll share the appetizers I made too: sausage stuffed mushrooms, stuffed sweet potatoes, brie and pear tartlets with honey and homemade pie crust, and monkey bread.

For now I'm working on tomorrow's feast: German chocolate cake, stuffed glazed pork loin, baked salmon with herb butter, asparagus, broccoli, salad, and a small chocolate cake to celebrate my youngest son being with us for one month tomorrow. The cakes will be made, the pork loin stuffed, glazes and herb butter made, and general mis en place. I hope everyone had a wonder Thanksgiving filled with family, friends and fabulous food!

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